Using Paint Colors to Set the Mood

7th Apr 2015

Have you had a chance to read our last blog yet? If you have, then you already know that Modern Masters paint doesn't just make your home look a certain way, it also makes us feel different things! To recap, we've already talked about how red is associated with energy, green is associated with tranquility and white can open up a room. The following is a list of a few more paint colors and what mood they set:

  • Blue - Blue is a tremendous color for bedrooms, especially soft blues. Blue evokes calming and soothing feelings, and it is a great option for a good night's sleep. Try to avoid chilly-looking blues, as they can make your home feel cooler and more standoffish instead of warmer and more welcoming. 
  • Yellow - Yellow will make any room look welcoming and bright, but if you pick the wrong yellow or you put too much of it on your walls, it can also make us feel frustrated of angry. Choose soft yellows, as these are associated with happiness and sunshine, but avoid using yellow as the main color of a room.
  • Brown - Brown is a great color for any room in your home that houses family gatherings. Brown invokes feelings of togetherness and intimacy. By painting all four walls of a room with a rich shade of brown, you can make the room feel snug, safe and ultra cozy.
  • Purple - Purple is associated with drama, wealth and royalty, so if you want to add some luxury to your home, purple is a beautiful choice. Purple stimulates creativity, which makes it a great option for playrooms, kitchens and any other room that needs a bit of inspiration!